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Navigate to the closest grocery store

Navigate to the closest grocery store

Navigate to the closest grocery store

Key Points

How to Navigate to the closest grocery store using Google Maps on Desktop

How to Navigate to the closest grocery store via Google Maps App

Checking Nearest Store Timings via Google Maps

How to Navigate to the closest grocery store using Google Maps on Desktop

Google Maps is a powerful tool that can help you locate nearby grocery stores efficiently. Here’s how to do it on your computer:

  1. Open Google Maps on your computer.
  2. Type the address or name of the locality nearby where you want to find a grocery store in the search box and press Enter.
  3. Click on the “Nearby” tab and search for “grocery stores.”
  4. The website will display a list of open grocery stores in your locality, along with their addresses.
  5. Click on “Directions” to get the complete route to the grocery store.

How to Navigate to the closest grocery store via Google Maps App

You can also use the Google Maps app on your mobile phone or tablet. Follow these steps to find a grocery store:

  1. Open the Google Maps app on your device.
  2. Enter the address or name of the locality nearby where you want to find a grocery store in the search box and press Enter.
  3. Scroll down to the category tabs and select “Groceries.” Alternatively, click on “More” and choose “Groceries” under the Shopping section.
  4. A list of nearby grocery stores will appear on the map as red pins or dots.
  5. You can use the drop-down menus below the search box to filter your search results based on rating, distance, and more.

Checking Nearest Store Timings via Google Maps

Google Maps also provides information about whether the nearest grocery store is open or closed. Follow these steps to check store timings:

  1. On the website, you can filter your search results by selecting the “Open Now” option under the “Hours” drop-down menu.
  2. On the app, simply click on the “Open Now” tab.
  3. Google Maps will display if the store is open now or if it operates 24 hours.
  4. The app also shows peak rush times and the next day’s opening hours.

Using Stillopen to Find Grocery Stores Nearby on Desktop

Apps like Stillopen can help you find grocery stores that are open nearby. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Visit the Stillopen website (
  2. Allow the website to access your location, and it will detect your current location automatically.
  3. The website may ask you to donate to the PM Cares fund or share the page with friends.
  4. Type and find the availability of the items you need.
  5. The app also provides directions to nearby stores and centers.
  6. You can leave reviews on the stores by clicking on the “Update” button.

Also Read: How late is the closest grocery store open


With the help of Google Maps and apps like Stillopen, finding nearby grocery stores and their timings has become incredibly easy. These tools provide convenience and peace of mind, especially in the challenging times of the pandemic. Whether you prefer using your computer or mobile device, you can now plan your grocery shopping with confidence, ensuring you get all your daily needs without any hassle.

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